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Ne prenez pas juste ma parole

Témoignages: Testimonials

Juste un mot pour dire comment j'apprécie ton travail comme maître en Yoga. Tes explications sont claires. Tu diriges bien le groupe et tu fais partager les bienfaits de ton savoir.


David is an amazing teacher, and that has more implications than simply learning yoga from him. He really believes in what he's doing, and he has a lot of knowledge to impart, if someone is interested in knowing, and - I suppose - in opening themselves up for examination.


I cannot tell you the amount of thought and reflection that has arisen in connection with my yoga practice, but I am starting to see its strengthening aspect beyond body, and it's repercussions in relationships I have with with... anyone really. So, thanks.


Merci à toi pour ces sessions qui nous permets de ce libérer de nos masques que nous portons de jour à jour. L'ambiance que tu nous donnes est un véritable oasis de sérénité, acceptation et même amour.

Michel & Chadi

I don't think I have ever let go and allowed myself to just receive and feel the sensations like that. I still feel a part of the peace and joy, days later.


Ton cours aide à se faire sentir plus à l'écoute de soi et du moment présent. Je crois tu es quelqu’un de grand qui fait de bonnes choses pour l'humain!


The partner exercise was fantastic. I benefit a lot from this kind of exercise. I wish there was more of this kind of thing.


Après une telle séance, tout mon corps et mon esprit sont régénérés. Je me sens prêt pour entreprendre une nouvelle semaine. Je pense que c'est une excellente initiative et très généreux de ta part de faire du Yoga nu. C'est aussi plus naturel.


Awesome, amazing, genuine and articulate teaching - extremely relevant.


I initially struggled with this class because I was always thinking about the movement but David really encouraged us to just live in the moment, which was great!


David has a very informative teaching style and throughout his class I learned a lot about my body, it's limitations and abilities I didn't know existed.


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